ASF COVID-19 Pandemic & Influenza Directives Click here
The federal government is sending four (4) free covid rapid tests to each home in the nation. No identification nor proof of residency is required.
Simply go to (English) or (Spanish) to place your free order.
"We pray for those who are having difficulties at this time. We think of immigrants, we think of the vulnerable, for those with immune-compromised systems, for shut-ins, the elderly, the homeless, and those in prison. We pray especially for people on our pueblos and the Navajo Nation who have been hit very hard by COVID-19."
Archbishop John C. Wester, May 21, 2020
Archbishop Wester Recites The Coronavirus Prayer Video
Una Oración del coronavirus con Arzobispo Wester Video
A Coronavirus Prayer by Kerry Weber
Una Oración del coronavirus by Kerry Weber
Pope Francis’ Prayer to Mary During Coronavirus Pandemic
Pope Francis' Prayer Website
Novenas from the Diocese of St. Petersburg
A Prayer to Our Lady Guadalupe (English y Español) and light a virtual candle (scroll to the bottom of the page under “Prayers”
How to Sign Catholic Prayers
A Prayer to Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Deaf/ Hard of Hearing COVID-19 Resources. Gathered by the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Link to resource.
We Wear Masks: A Social Story by Mr. Mike. Link to resource.
Stay in Contact with Each Other, Deaf Hearing Communication Center. Link to resource.
Stories of Jesus and the saints performed by Deaf actors. NCOD, and the Deaf Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. "In ASL with captions and voiced in English, the videos are great learning tools for young and old. Share with families with Deaf children--and hearing children as well." Link to resource.
National Catholic Office for the Deaf. List of Livestream ASL Masses and more. Link to resource.
Daily Vlog, Deaf Catholic Philly. Link to resource.
Talking to kids about Coronavirus: ADL and English Resources, American Society for Deaf Children. Here are some resources from trusted sources, both in English and ASL, to help you get the information you need to have open, informative, and comforting conversations with your child. Link to resource.
Updates regarding the Coronavirus in ASL, The Daily Moth. Link to resource.
USCCB Responds to Coronavirus More>
The Christian Response to the Coronavirus: Stay Home More>
Coronavirus and the Church: 'Submission' or 'Lack of Faith'? More>
I Am a Scientist Working to Stop Coronavirus. We Should Cancel All Masses More>
Stirring Sermons About Coronavirus, in Empty Cathedrals More>
Talking to Children About COVID-19
A Faith Response to Coronavirus
Una Respuesta de Fe al Coronavirus
Mental Health Resources During COVID-19
Care for your Anxiety